The Mighty Wise Owl

In the Mystical Kingdom
Where the Great Spirit reigns
And all Life is Sacred
In Nature’s Domain.

Sitting high on the bent branch
Of an ancient Oak Tree
The Owl is there pondering
Things that will be.

He watches in silence
And is fully aware
Of all things and all creatures
That pass by him there.

Nothing gets past him
For he already knows
Who’s deceitful, who’s honest
Who’s friend and who’s foe.

He’s observant and knowing
And tactful and wise
Is fond of the dark Night
And sleeps at Sunrise.

His keen mind is conscious
Of the wisdom he holds
He can see in the future
How it will unfold.

He has all the answers.
He’s explored the Unknown.
So those who are in search of
Won’t go it alone.

In his magical essence
He sits watching now.
He’s Nature’s professor
The mighty wise Owl.

©1994 :Susan-kay: Nelson.

 From the Book, “Whispering Spirits of the Soul”