Morality is
Not randomly made up from
Some whim or fancy.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

The canned words she used
To justify her acts did
Not belong to her.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

No one can reach her
In the Dark World that lured her.
She’s slipping away…

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

How did we get to
This place where Insanity
Has Taken Over?

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

Everyone’s watching
The strategy of a man
Who will change the World…

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

There’s an old saying
Getting mentioned more these days,
“Follow the Money.”

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

As “Negatives” are
Exposed to Light, clear pictures
Of the Truth emerge…

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.


As the cold North Wind
Howled through Trees and Falling Snow
The Fire crackled.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

Bare feet on warm Sand.
Sunlight dancing on the Waves
In the Salty Breeze.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.


Sometimes it’s best to
Walk away rather than feel
What may happen next.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.