
A Mother’s Nightmare

The Soldier’s Mother
Screamed when two Men came calling
With the dreaded news.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

The Day’s Rest

The exhausted Day
Collapsed into the Sunset
And fell right to sleep.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.


No one heard the knock
Of the unseen Visitor.
Death had come to call.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

The Conscience Question

In the midst of rage
His mother’s voice haunted him.
“Is it worth it son?”

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

Fatherly Advice

He told His daughter,
“Your soul is what matters most.
Guard it with your life.”

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

The Sobering Truth

A million bottles
Will not take away the pain
Deep down in his soul.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.