As they stood outside
He said it was way too cold
She said it was hot…
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
I have often heard it said that life is merely a matter of perspective and that each living being upon the Earth has their own perspective based upon their own unique life experiences. Perhaps, whether one subscribes to the perspective theory or not is also merely a perspective? I could not answer that for you, for that would totally depend upon your own perspective… However, for me, it’s a fairly easy theory to subscribe to.
What is perspective anyway? Is it a point of view? Is it an opinion? Is it an analogy? Is it an outlook? Is it a theory? Is it a consensus? Is it simply a way of looking at something? Is it a belief system? What is it?
All of my life, I often heard things like, “That will never happen.” “That could never be done.” “That is impossible.” “There’s no way.” “If anyone believes something like that, they must be crazy.” So what are those types of statements? Matters of perspective as well?
When attempting to talk about the current state of affairs upon this Planet, the three stock replies that I often hear most from my family and friends are, “I know something is wrong, but I don’t care what it is and I don’t want to talk about it! Then there’s this one, “I just don’t want to know!” However, this seems to be the most common and the most favorite stock reply of them all, “There’s nothing I can do about it anyway!”
Could each of those stock replies that I continually hear actually be the same exact thing, simply matters of perspective? Or, could they also simply be excuses? Hmmm… now that question could also be a matter of perspective as well, wouldn’t you agree? After all, what may be considered as an excuse by one, may be considered a matter of perspective by another, right?
How many human beings are on this Planet right now? I’m not sure of the exact number however I have seen the number of 7.3 billion floating around on the Internet. Yet, who really knows for certain? Could it possibly be that all of the various numbers traveling through Internet Universe are simply nothing more than matters of perspective? How can we know for sure?
Regardless, let’s just say there are 7.3 billion human beings on this Planet at this moment. Should that be the case then there’s actually 7.3 human beings all with different perspectives as well, right? 7.3 billion human beings who, even though we all share the same Planet, we all also have very different perspectives, for we all have our own unique energies and life experiences.
Basically, if we wanted to add some analogy to that, we could actually perhaps say there are 7.3 human being worlds on this Planet, couldn’t we? Many of us have heard comments about how some people live in another world, right? Well, if you think about it, isn’t that actually true in a way? Don’t we all live in our own world made up of our own perspectives, belief systems, our personal experiences, energies, and emotions? For example, although we can offer assistance, help, and support to one another, we are still ultimately responsible for our personal journey through this Earth Walk, are we not? With that I mean, we all have our own work to do that nobody else can do for us, and although there will undoubtedly be those who choose to find as many shortcuts as they possibly can and there are also those who may actually choose not to do any of their work at all, that’s also just a matter of perspective, is it not?
Every human being on this Planet has their own story they could tell, that is unique to them. Although other people may be able to relate to their story, only we ourselves can actually know how we truly feel. We cannot honestly speak for anyone else in regards to claiming that we actually know exactly how someone else feel may because we don’t know. Why? Because we are not them! We have not lived their lives or their experiences! How each human feels is a sum of their entire life experience and for those who happen to also believe in past lives, well then the story can become even more complicated, as far as energies are concerned!!!
Simply because someone may be a member of the same family, that does not mean every member of that family holds the same exact perspectives. Someone who is very tall may perhaps have a completely different perspective than someone who is very short. Someone who is naturally thin may have a totally different perspective than someone who struggles with their weight. Someone who is homeless and living out on the street may have a totally different perspective than someone who has a roof over their head and a warm bed to sleep in. Someone who has continually known hunger may have a totally different perspective than someone who has consistently had plenty to eat. Someone who struggles to merely survive day by day may have a totally different perspective than someone who has never had to worry about money. Someone who continually puts their life on the line for others may have a totally different perspective than someone who continually puts other lives in jeopardy. Someone who has never known peace may have a totally different perspective than someone who has never experienced war. Someone who has been blind or deaf since birth may have a totally different perspective than someone who has been able to see and hear all of their life. Veterans may have a totally different perspective than those who have never served in the military. Parents who have lost a child may have a totally different perspective than parents who have not had to face that loss. Someone who has lived with health issues all of their life may have a totally different perspective than someone who has always been healthy. Someone who has lost a dear one they love to a violent act may have a totally different perspective than someone who has never experienced that kind of tragedy. Someone from a particular religion, heritage, tribe, or culture may have a totally different perspective than those from other religions, heritages, tribes, or cultures.
Two people standing outside together may have totally different perspectives on the weather. While one may feel it’s way too hot, the other may feel it’s way too cold. While some people love sunny days, others may prefer cloudy days. Some people may be morning people and some may be night Owls. Some people may love salty and sweet food, while others may prefer hot and sour food! The list goes on and on and on… The movies people watch, the music they listen to, the political parties they follow, the books and publications they read, the food they eat, the news they listen to, the organizations they join, the people they follow, the schools they attend, the places they work, the activities they participate in, the causes they work for, all of these things are actually matters of perspective, are they not?
Let’s also not forget that human beings are not the only ones upon this Planet. For instance, there are those who have the perspective that the Earth is a living being and there are others who may have a completely different perspective. Then, let’s not forget the animals. Imagine a Wolf, an Elephant, or a Lion. Imagine living in a pack, a herd, or a pride. How often does anyone think about what their perspective may be? Just asking…
It’s very easy for human beings to get wrapped up in their own perspectives and to forget that theirs is not the only one. It also seems that there indeed may very well be a “Grand Agenda” that was set in motion upon this Planet a very long time ago and within that agenda is the perspective that it’s somehow okay to enslave the all of humanity and to destroy this Planet and all of the life upon her and part of the strategy of that perspective is to continually divide, separate, and conquer; doing everything possible to keep people in the energy of division and separation and in the energy of chaos that comes from being conquered.
The constant propaganda that is continually streamed and pumped through the air waves, the Internet, and the media is endless and often times, those stories that are spewed out into the collective consciousness of the Planet and are said to be so-called news, are actually not news at all. In fact, many of the stories we are told are not even true at all or to say the least, they have lots of holes in them. Some may consider these stories as perhaps being half truths, while others may consider them to be puzzles with lots of missing pieces. Yet, there are also those who simply call them what they will from their own perspective, as being nothing more than Fairy Tales and or distractions.
Although a huge part of what continually keeps feeding into the division, separation, and the conquering is the barrage of propaganda and stories that are continually pumped out through the Media Waves night and day, however let’s not forget the other factors that play into this as well: corporations, wars, poverty, starvation, genocide, extinction, nations, governments, secret societies, religion, politics, political parties, think tanks, organizations, race, skin color, culture, heritage, education, economic circumstances, gender, age, and the list goes on and on and on.
In fact, isn’t it part of the Grand Agenda or the Great Deception, to keep everyone’s focus and attention away from the ball or the task at hand? Isn’t it the ultimate goal to keep everyone upset, angry, fighting, at war, in poverty, starving, thirsty, sick, divided, separated, conquered, blaming one another and pointing the finger at each another?
Isn’t it the nature of the Game, to keep people in the energy of fear and chaos? Why? Because when people are in fear, they create from fear and all that fear then continues to recycle around and around and around, over and over and over again and when people are in fear, they are not in their own balanced personal power, so they are easy to manipulate and control. When people are in fear, they give their power away. So, while in the midst of all that fear, instead of concentrating on everything we have in common, we instead focus on all of our differences and judge one another, which keeps us further divided, separated, and conquered, which is exactly what those who set up this Game want…
Instead of finding all the things that make us “different” from one another and focusing on all those things that separate us and keep us divided and conquered, how about perhaps approaching it all from another angle? How about sitting down and actually communicating with one another and finding out all the things we actually have in common with each other? How about really talking and actually listening and hearing instead of just screaming, shouting, or yelling loudly over one another?
How about finding all the things that we have in common with each other instead of focusing on all of our differences? For instance, we all experience hunger and thirst, right? So, how about talking about our common basic needs? How many people actually think that someone else who lives somewhere else upon this Planet does not have the same basic needs as they do? Do not all of us want to eat when we are hungry or want to drink when we’re thirsty? How many people do you know who would not seek some kind of safe shelter in a bad storm or if it’s really cold outside?
The bottom line is we all have “basic needs” and if those basic needs are not met, those who continually have to struggle on a day to day basis and who don’t ever get their basic needs met are going to have a totally different perspective than those who do not have those same struggles and for those who cannot seem ever to move out of the energy of that constant continual survival mode, it’s exhausting and it takes a huge toll!
What would your life be like if you were to be in a continual struggle just to survive, in a moment to moment basis? How would it feel to have to be in a constant survival mode day after day, day in and day out? What would life feel like from that perspective? Yet, that is exactly what is happening upon this Planet for multitudes of people, for that is exactly what the “system” has been set up to do; to keep people struggling and in fear. It’s all part of the Game. Yet, isn’t it the responsibility of all of humanity to either change the nature of the Game or, stop playing it altogether? Isn’t it up to humanity to shift the energy? When does humanity finally say, “The buck stops here!”?
Humans are often given titles and labels and with those often come very tiny boxes with really tight lids for people to place not only their titles and labels in, they also place all of their so-called “belief systems” and perspectives in those tiny boxes with tight lids as well.
Just imagine all of the labels, titles, belief systems, and perspectives we each hold, bound up very tightly in a tiny little box with a very tight lid. Just how cozy is that, to be snuggled in with all that stuff?
It’s really easy to go through life with blinders on, however by doing that, when we walk around in our tiny boxes with the lids closed so tight, we cannot even see even a glimpse of what life may be like outside of that box; outside of that perspective!
Imagine all of the people who cling so dearly and so tightly to their beloved belief systems and perspectives, that they are actually willing to die for them; even though many of those belief systems and perspectives they are holding so tightly to, may not even actually belong to them! What if many those belief systems and perspectives are not even theirs?
Perhaps a real important question to ask in regards to all of those so-called “belief systems” is… “Whose perspective is this anyway? Who does this perspective actually even belong to? Is it even my perspective in the first place? Or, did I just happen to buy into this particular perspective because it was either what I was taught or what I was told to buy into a long time ago because everyone else I knew happened to buy into it as well? Or, does that belief system; that perspective; actually belong to someone else who just either handed it down to me or handed it over to me? Perhaps, those are questions to ponder…or not.
Humans can continue to find a way to hate each other; to remain divided; to remain separated and conquered and they can also continue to state the stock reply of, “There’s nothing I can do about it anyway.” They can also turn a blind eye and pretend that they cannot see or hear anything else that is going on around them; that are they can only tune into what is going in within their own tiny little box with the tight lid. Yet, please explain to me how doing that serves anyone? How does that help? Desperate people often times do desperate things; things that they normally would not even consider doing should the circumstances be different. Once again, it all goes back to “perspective” now does it not? After all, isn’t everything basically just a matter of perspective?
So, with all of that being said, how about this? How about if we took off the lids on the tiny little boxes and then stepped out the those boxes altogether and instead of looking at all the things that make us different and all those things that separate us, how about finding all those things that we actually have in common with one another? How about working from that place? How about coming from the perspective that things can change and things can be different for all beings on this Planet? How about truly communicating with one another in spite of the fact that we may not necessarily agree or even totally understand all of the different perspectives and the belief systems that exist?
Humans can continue to find a way to hate each other; to remain divided; to remain separated and they can also continue to state how, “There’s nothing I can do about it anyway.” They can also continue to turn a blind eye and lend a deaf ear to situations that they would much rather prefer to pretend that they cannot see or hear at all. After all, that’s much easier, isn’t it?
Isn’t much easier to just simply disregard anything and everything else that is going on around them? Isn’t it much easier to simply just tune into what is going in within their own tiny little box with the tight lid? Yet, please explain to me how doing that serves anyone? How does that help? Desperate people often times do desperate things; things that they normally would not even consider doing should the circumstances be different. Once again, it all goes back to “perspective” now does it not? After all, isn’t everything basically just a matter of perspective?
So, with all of that being said, how about this? How about if we take off the lids on the tiny little boxes and then step out the those boxes altogether and instead of looking at all of the things that make us different and all those things that separate us, how about finding all those things we have in common with one another? How about working from that place? How about coming from the perspective that things can change and things can be better for all beings on this Planet?
The picture of the Sun in the Trees on the top of this page…could also perhaps be a matter of perspective as well. After all, some may look at the picture and see a Sunrise and others may look at the picture and see a Sunset. So, the Sunrise could be one perspective and the Sunset could be another perspective, right?
Yet, in spite of any and all perspectives, there’s also one other important point to ponder and to remember and that would be the Truth…of what it really and actually is, not simply a perspective….
So, let’s just pretend that all of the 7.3 (or so) billion people on this Planet all looked at the picture at the top of this page and they all said with absolutely no doubt in any of their minds that the picture is of a Sunrise.
Then, let’s remain in La La Land for a just a little while longer and continue to pretend that for some odd reason the all of humanity could actually even agree on at least one thing! (Can you even imagine that kind of scenario? Humanity agreeing on one thing? Wow!!!) However, in this case they do! It’s unanimous! All of humanity agrees that the picture is of a Sunrise! They all share the very same perspective!
However, would that very same perspective shared by 7.3 billion people really even matter after they all find out that the picture was actually taken at Sunset? Hmmm…perhaps that’s a really good question! Or not!
The moral of this little story is, there are perspectives and then there is the actual Truth…of what really and actually is…