Tag Archive for: Intuitive Messages

Is the way of counteracting resistance and procrastination.

WHAT are you waiting for?

WHAT are you afraid of???

Or… WHO???

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

This place exists within all beings… We don’t have to “do” anything to connect to it. We don’t have to reach some specific “energy frequency” to access it. We don’t have to do anything or prove anything to deserve it. We don’t have to “pay” for it or put in some kind of hard labor or toil for it. There’s nothing to clear there; nothing to release there; nothing to work on; there’s nothing that has to be done or needs to be done there…

We can simply just “be” there…

It is likened to the True North on a Compass. In this case, the True North always points Home; to Papa; Creator… However, you can also look at a Map and know that any place on that Map can represent your Sweet Space because no matter what destination one may physically visit or be at on that Map, your Sweet Space is there with you; within you…

Your Sweet Space is your Anchor

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.