
Second Thoughts

The Wallet he found
Was filled with much needed Cash…
Yet, he returned it.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

The Trap

The Truth locked the Door
Once the lies had been revealed.
Many caught inside.

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.


He ignored the Sign.
Had to find out for himself
What Road he was on…

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.



The Clock is ticking.
We all get to choose a Door.
Which one will it be?

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.



Everyone’s watching
The strategy of a man
Who will change the World…

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.

What’s the Answer???



The little boy asked,
“Daddy, is cheating okay
To help our Team win?”

:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.