What one beLIEves in
Is what they will see and find
Consciously or not…
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
What one beLIEves in
Is what they will see and find
Consciously or not…
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
Whatever we give
Attention to, is what we
Create in our lives.
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
Beings are unique.
Broadcasting their own signal
Out to Creation.
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
If Time is Money
Then why is it that Money
Cannot buy more Time?
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
A BODY six feet
Under, does not have a need
For any money…
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
How can she take back
One of the biggest mistakes
She has ever made?
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
How much energy
Does it take to keep trying
To make the Peg fit?
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
The little girl asked
The Officer if he could
Arrest Addiction…
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
Keeping Jill’s secret
Is a betrayal to Jack.
Can’t win for losing…
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.
It’s hard to discern
Which is really worse for her
Substances or him?
:Susan-kay: Hanzlik.